Australia's Blak History Month was founded in 2008 with a proclamation for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community. In it, July was set forth as the month we would BLAKout nationally, to celebrate the rich legacy of our communities. This message was sent via the original source email from the Founder's desk in Boorloo (Perth), Western Australia on invasion day 2008. It was received by then Indigenous staff at the Brisbane City Council who were on this email list and known to the Founder. From here, the Brisbane City Council began to celebrate Australia's Blak History Month as one of the few councils to have done so. Initially this was applauded.
By 2015 the corporate memory had been lost and wrongfully Brisbane City Council claimed to have created Australia's Bla(c)k History Month, restoring the "c" into Black after we had mindfully decolonised the word.
The Brisbane City Council have since rejected all efforts to rectify this and have appointed a non-Indigenous company to manage Black History Month, claiming themselves as the founders. Their action is a blatant theft of the origins of this people's movement, extremely offensive and an act of re-colonisation of our BLAK History. The irony is not lost on us - but we need your help to amplify the truth!