10 ways to celebrate
Blak History Month

Print out, share or email the Great Moments in BLAKISTORY profiles daily and share with your School or workplace.
Spend time with your Elders and Olders, and listen to their stories. This oral history is your cultural continuum.
Print out the Blak History Month poster and post on your walls.
Find out the Traditional Names and histories of the areas you work, live and play.
Share stories with future leaders about your life, history or current affairs.
Organise a series of (virtual) events or a month long celebration at your organisation, community group, workplace or school.
Volunteer or donate to an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander organisation.
Organise a (social distanced) happy hour with your friends and just celebrate your wonderfulness.
Support community events, buy BLAK products and spread the word.
Look in the mirror and say I am BLAK EXCELLENCE, BLAK IS BEAUTIFUL and I LOVE BEING BLAK (you can also use your tribal nation). Then pay a compliment or share a positive affirmation with someone in your family or community.
Memorise this clever way to recall the language groups and land upon which you stand. Record your version of the sing-a-long, perform a version of your sing-a-long.
Most of all, have fun learning!
Take the challenge:

A comprehensive site of resources for educators produced by Blacklines a small independent enterprise committed to creating an array of educational resources for early, primary and secondary schools. Here you'll find links to a range of free products to incorporate into your program planning and lesson design. These include -
Classroom Ideas
Web links for teachers
Indigenous Special Days Calendar (a work-in-progress)
Our Filing Cabinet of Worksheets, Booklets & Posters
Essential Reading for teachers
Quick Facts

• BLAK HISTORY MONTH was first celebrated in July 2008.
• The official hashtags are #ABHM and #BlakHistoryAU.
• Since 2008, 496 hidden histories have been unearthed as part of the Great Moments in BLAKISTORY series.
• The first Great Moments in Blakistory profile was 'Mungo Lady and Mungo Man' whose discovery re-wrote the ancient story of this land and its people and sent shock-waves around the world.
• ABHM is syndicated all over the world and taught about in Canada as part of their Black History Month.
• We started with a day, then we had a week, now we have a month. Celebrate with us!